Our Organic Products
- Harvested from our garden.
- Grown in a clean environment.
- No chemical fertilizers applied.
- Cultivated using natural fertilizers found in the soil.
- No pesticides used.
- Flowers Leaves Barks Roots are exceptionally healthy.
Few Strong Medicinal Values of Indigo Blue
* rootĀ is given to drink with cow’s milk in diseases related to respiratory system such as tuberculosis, asthma, swelling of the groin.
* Dental infections are cured by brushing teeth using sticks.
* In the case of urinary stones and urinary retention, applying the leaf paste on the lower abdomen makes urination easier.
*Ā leaves are ground in ale water and applied to treat colds, rashes and ulcers.
* For blood rash, leaves should be washed with boiled water and crushed leaves should be applied in cold water.
* For snake venom, the inflammation and inflammation of the bite site will be alleviated by rubbing the roots of Nil Avariya with washed rice water.
* Bee poison is killed by drinking Nil Avariya leaf decoction.
* leaves should be ground in hot water or dried potatoes should be ground with Nil Avariya juice to eat Undugowwa.
*Ā leaves are ground for mumps patients.
* 12 leaves are decocted for rat poison.
* Ghee is mixed into the leaf paste when hydrophobia is formed.
* For worms, flowers and pods are ground with cow’s milk and given to drink.
* When the wounds are formed, the leaves are ground with turmeric.
* When a toothache occurs, biting the roots of the plant and swallowing the saliva provides relief.
* When malarial fever occurs, Nil Avariya is given boiled with green roots.
* prevents premature hair fall.
* Hair growth and beautiful black hair can be obtained by applying the oil extracted from the juice of the Nil Avariya leaves.
* Grinding leaves with aloe vera is suitable for burns.
* Due to its dark blue color, blue aura is used as an oil coloring agent.
* Also, in the past, blue avari has been used as a natural dye in the painting of temples, in the coloring of cloths and robes, and in the painting of sacrificial images.
Package Included
Indigo Powder With Safety Packaging + Tracking
T o Your Knowledge
A deciduous shrub that reaches a height of up to 2 meters, featuring leaves adorned with 7-13 leaflets. The leaves appear green when freshly plucked and develop a grayish hue upon drying. The tender branches exhibit a bluish-red coloration, while the numerous flowers form in nearly sessile lax spicate racemes, notably shorter than the leaves. These flowers showcase shades of red or pink. The cylindric pods, serving as fruits, start as pale greenish-grey when young, maturing into a dark brown shade, and contain 10-12 seeds.
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